Cautious or Can't Wait?


It's almost time for yoga classes to return to in-person. We await the next level of restrictions lifting on 17th May, and government confirmation that we can get back to practicing in a room together in England.

But how are you feeling about this? We've had such a rollercoaster of being in and out of lockdowns. There is constant new information unfolding about covid to digest.

As covid vaccines roll out widely here, numbers of cases fall and this brings us closer to the lifting of social distancing, the reality is that we're not all ready to plunge back into closer proximity to others, and that's ok.

I am confident when I am in a situation I can control. In environments that are outside and there's space to create distance from others I'm happy. I am confident when I know I am going indoors to an environment with solid covid procedures in place where social distancing is well observed. I am happy meeting family and friends, socially distanced. I'm lucky I am almost at my second vaccine and I take twice weekly covid lateral flow tests and a full covid test weekly as I teach in a care setting. So I know that I can be as confident in my own health as possible.

But I'm still feeling cautious, I'm still not ready to be in big groups with lots of people and it's going to take a while for me to come back round to this. I've not had to return to a workplace with lots of contact socially distanced or otherwise. My experience of the past year has been one of limited contact really, just family, school playground and a few friends. I'm not interested in going back into shops unless I really need to and eating out with friends this weekend will be strange and hopefully another step for me on the road forwards.

The last year has created huge mental shifts for me. Being socially distanced for so long is not, for me, an on and off switch.

I know I'm not alone in this, and I also know that many others are feeling even more cautious, especially if they have been keeping a high level of isolation. For some there has been much more social contact over the past year through jobs and other necessities so the shift is perhaps easier. Many people are ready and raring to get back out into the world. Whatever the individual journey we have had to navigate and wherever we are on the scale of cautious to can't wait is fine. Taking our own time to get back to the things we love is important. Some things are taking longer to access anyway, like our in-person classes.

I spent a lot of time last autumn, working out a comprehensive covid policy and procedure for in-person classes. When we were not in lockdown, we came together safely and I felt confident hosting and teaching classes because this was in place and we all adhered to it. We could still chat, make social connections and enjoy being together. Mums and babies, and pregnant ladies could make those important networks and share experiences. Students commented that they felt safe and it was joyful to practice together.

From the 17th May, these procedures will be back in place (and already are as my postnatal mum and baby classes resumed after 12th April restrictions lifted so we could be in-person) here's an overview:

- 2m distancing on way in and out of venue

- hand sanitizer on entry and exit

- touch points cleaned before and between classes by myself

- venues are clean and well ventilated, windows opened to create airflow, heating still keeping us warm

- masks to be worn when not on mat

- bring your own mat and equipment

- toilets restricted to one in/one out

- pre book only as numbers limited for 2m distancing

- markers for mat spaces to ensure 2m distancing

Full guidance is sent to every student and the link is here:

So if you are more than ready to come back to class I welcome you to join us happily and excitedly - as soon as we get the green light reservations to classes can be made.

If you are feeling less confident, please be reassured by my procedures, and the sensitivity of other students to adhering to them.

Please know that I am happy to talk to you and help you decide if coming back to class is right for you. You can watch a little video here of my tour of one of my venues as well:


Also know that you are welcome whenever it feels right for you. That might be now or in a few months time. My weekly online zoom class continues on Tuesday evenings for anyone who is now preferring to practice their yoga at home, with the company of a class, or who would like to begin yoga in a class that's not in person.


Booking will begin when we have government confirmation of in-person classes. Please look out for emails and social media, or get in touch with me directly.

Sending you all love and kindness as we make another transition on 17th May in this shared covid journey. Be kind to yourself, take whatever time you need to find your comfort levels, and find some time for your yoga!

Whether I see you in May or later, I look forward to welcoming you to class.