A Mindful Month


January, a new start. Welcome to the new year.

If you’ve read my blogs before, you know that I am not one for new years resolutions. Why add more pressure to your life?

Instead I like to think of intentions. Intentions feel more gentle, they offer less chance for failure if we don’t ‘stick’ to them like resolutions. Intentions are a way to offer some direction, but with space for curiosity and time to explore the journey we we make our way towards them.

This year I’ve created a ‘Mindful Month’ to start the year. A little prompt for each day to find a mindful moment to re-connect to yourself, to take a pause, to do something that brings you some joy and as a result will bring you into the present moment. More happiness, less stress.

They are not tasks, they don’t have to be ‘stuck’ to or even done on a particular day. They can be mixed around, skipped or repeated. You can switch them for something of your own. I’ve made sure that they are all easy to do, mostly only require a few minutes (although you can take as long as you like with them), and only need things that you will already have available or are free to find on the internet or in the library.

It’s also not just for January, and doesn’t have to be started on the 1st of the month. So whenever you are reading this you can start today!

Here is your mindful month in week by week steps, and below you can download the whole mindful month to stick on your fridge!


Let me know how you get on and if you follow me on social media you can follow and comment on your favourites.