The Wall


The past week has been tough for me.  I hit a wall.  Low energy, emotions running high, a definite sense of falling down a hole.

Luckily for me usually these phases pass. A day or so and I can bounce back. This one took longer, I had to dig deep.

Usually my yoga practice, time and hugs with my family, taking the dogs out, teaching always lifts me up.

But this week my yoga practice was a bit depleted, and I can't walk the dogs - both results of my broken finger.  A new puppy meant less sleep and lots of change in the house.  The autumn term is long and it just felt like it should be half term.  But it's still a week away. Oh and then there's Covid and the stresses of navigating more change when running a business and just wanting to be with extended family.

How did I dig myself out?

- sitting with the emotions, letting them roll without pushing them away

- going for a walk (without the dogs) to intentionally breathe and make space

- practicing yoga nidra

- teaching - feeling the joy of sharing the benefits of yoga with my wonderful students

- letting just being with my family hold me 

On my walk I noticed this patch of beautiful sunlight.  It reminded me that the sun is always shining, it's just sometimes hidden.  That our inner light and strength is always there, but it is sometimes hidden too.

I reminded myself that we can uncover our light with a bit of time, space and trust.

Going back to the moment, remembering that one moment, one breath, one day at a time is enough. 

Eventually the things that matter come to the fore, we lean into the things that lift us, we get over the wall and move forwards again.  It's ok to take a bit of time to get over that wall. Hang on in there, trust your inner light, you'll get there.

I've shared this poem in classes this week:

"How do you do it?" said night

"How do you wake and shine?"

"I keep it simple" said light

"One day at a time".

Lemn Sissay

It's been my mantra.  Maybe it can be yours when you hit a wall.