A gentle welcome to the new year


Welcome to 2023! 

I'm looking forward to the year ahead with its seasonal rhythms, annual events and of course the unknowns, how will this year unfold?

This year I have been teaching postnatal classes for 10 years!  I began my teaching journey with mums and babies when my boys were just 3 and 1!  I couldn't have known what a rich 10 years of teaching would lie ahead of me as I journeyed into teaching adult classes, pregnancy classes, meditation, baby massage, yoga nidra and restorative yoga  and even online teaching! 

My own yoga practice continues to unfold and, like my teaching, organically transforms as I do and as life changes. It's the beauty of yoga practice.

Over the coming year I'll be celebrating my ten years of teaching - look out for events and offerings! 

As my yoga practice and teaching has taken, and continues to take many small steps on its journey, my intention for 2023 is to continue to walk my path slowly, mindfully and with as many steps as I need each day, week or month.  I hope you enjoy the Travelling Prayer below and that it inspires your own start to the new year.

A Travelling Prayer.

By Michael James Wong, from the book ‘Senbazuru Small steps to hope, healing and happiness’

Each day I remember that I have come this far,
Not to arrive, but to discover what unfolds along the way,
But I am in no rush, for I have nowhere I need to be.

Do not be tempted by the rising tide,
Go forth with gentleness, unconditionally, completely,
Be patient and slow you're wondering step.

This life is a gift we must walk graciously,
Give yourself permission to feel the breeze,
Freedom is on the horizon.

Walk the mountains, and take the path out to the sea,
Be curious about what lies beyond the sunset,
The quiet waves are not our only serenity.

Rise each day so we may remember,
Love relentlessly, offer forgiveness,
This path must be walked tenderly.

Time is a gift,
Let it wash away the past,
Let all that remains, be our joy.

But still I am in no rush.

Here’s to an unrushed, peaceful and happy 2023!