Senbazuru - learn to fold a paper crane


Senbazuru is the Japanese tradition of mindfully folding paper cranes.

I have been really inspired by Michael James Wong’s book, “Senbazuru: Small steps to hope, healing and happiness.” It is a beautiful book in which Michael shares the tradition of folding origami paper cranes and intersperses the instructions with timeless wisdom, quotes and personal stories, as well as lovely, simple illustrations.. It is one of those books where you can just open at any page and find exactly what you need in that moment. I highly recommend it for a daily dose of mindfulness, regardless of whether you want to fold a paper crane or not.

Folding a paper crane is said to bring peace, hope, healing and happiness.

The practice of folding a crane, if you allow it to be

- is a wonderful way to slow down

- brings mindfulness to your day

- gives you a few minutes to pause

- gives you something to do - a focus for your mind which helps quieten it

- is about the process., each small step along the way and whatever that brings (wonky cranes in my case)

- helps to let go of ego, perfection, and just being with what you are creating with each fold

Cranes are mythical creatures in Japanese tradition and are said to live for 1000 years, and folding 1000 cranes in one year is said to make a wish come true. Folding just one in my experience is a wonderful way to cultivate patience, focus and pleasure and it definitely brings hope, healing and happiness, through creating a little bit of time in the present moment.

Michael threads themes of hope, healing and happiness through his book to accompany each fold of the paper crane, and I have used these themes as inspiration for my adult classes this Autumn term. I know they have resonated with my students as I have received lots of positive comments, sharing of paper crane folding – successes and challenges, and several of my students have purchased Michael’s book for themselves or as a gift. Each week I’ve shown them the next fold in the process, with the final fold just in time for Christmas, very fitting as the Crane is a symbol of peace in Japan.

I invite you to join me in mindfully folding a paper crane. Visit my Senbazuru webpage using the button below to watch step by step videos to guide you. Each small step also has a quote from Michael’s book.

You may not go on to fold 1000 cranes, but maybe, just maybe, you will…

You can buy Senbazuru Small Steps to Hope Healing and Happiness at amazon or any good book seller

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